Bening sayang, Bapak mau cerita

Clearly, about a month after Mas Ken left, my father and mother climbed Mount Merbabu accompanied by Om Priyo. We went to Salatiga by public transportation. We arrived at Kopeng at night, it was a full moon. Getting off the public transportation, we walked along the path. Left and right were grass and pine trees, dark with only one light from the flashlight we brought. The sound of insects greeted our journey. The aroma of forest soil mixed with the aroma of flowers wafted into our noses. We passed graves, rice fields planted with tobacco, then entered a village where the doors of the houses were already closed. In the Tekelan village, the climbing camp was located. Unlike climbing on big days which were crowded, this climb was very quiet. There was only one other group from Pekalongan who also climbed.

The climb we did was only up to post two. At first we just wanted to sleep for a while and then continue the climb, but it turned out we woke up until sunrise. We didn’t continue climbing, but instead went back down and went home. When we got home we checked with the doctor and it turned out that your mother had been pregnant for two weeks. That’s your mother pregnant with you.

Sometime, I’ll tell you about when you were in the womb and when you were little. Now I want to talk. Lately, you have a hard time waking up. If you wake up, you get Cornhole board dimensions angry even though it’s already 6 am. Usually, you wake up at dawn, it’s better to join the dawn prayer at the mosque. I just want to talk about valuing time. There are so many people who are forced to wake up early to go to work, sell at the market, and earn money. So waking up early is to be grateful for the blessings that Allah has given us. Will you wake up tomorrow by yourself? No need to wake up?

Dosen di Universitas PGRI Semarang. Penulis buku Soko Tatal dan kumpulan cerpen Di Atas Tumpukan Jerami. Penggiat di Simpul Gambang Syafaat Semarang dan Maiyah Kalijagan Demak.
Pos dibuat 143

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